A "blog" is an abbreviated word for web-log, is a web-based journal in which people can publish their thoughts and opinions on the Internet. It is everyone's home on the world wide web and probably their number one venting venue. Anyone can start a blog even us..
1. Firstly, according to a famous blogger, find a decent blogging provider that appeals to you. The most popular providers include LiveJournal, Blogger, WordPress.com, Xanga, Tumblr and Webs.
3. Next, decide whether you want your blog to be private or public: do you want any Internet visitor to be able to read your blog, or do you just want your friends and family to be able to read it?
4.After you've set up your blog, write a few posts to test it out, and make any adjustments to the layout or style that you see fit. Like if you just got a new template, you'd check your blog to see if you like it, right?
5.Visit other blogs to build a blogging circle. When you leave comments, add your blogging address so they can visit you too. (Note this guys: This will not work if your blog is private)
6.Publish your blog by sending the URL to your friends or publish the URL on your website. Add the URL to posts you make on other blogs.
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