Sunday, August 14, 2011

Assignment 5 ( MINI ResearCh/SPSS and qualitAtiVE AnalysIS)

Hello peeps, 

  This week required us to create a questionnaire and then later on, we have to produce a mini report based on the gathered data from the survey. This chore was quite tough to be done but with the assist from Mr Fariduddin, me and my partner Josman Ghani managed to get it done.
    First of all, as the instructions given by our dedicated lecturer Mr Fariduddin, we created a pilot test. This was a mini one, a way to make us familiar and exposed with the actual format of questionnaire. Before producing the REAL questionnaire, we created a mini pilot test at We created around 10 questions as a basic introduction questions on MObile Learning. But first, we need to sign up at the website which was free of charge and then proceed to create the question. The steps was really easy to conquer and even IT illiterate like me could make it done. After that, we are told to email the pilot test to each and every one of us at (IPGKS B.ED TESL students and our fellow course mates from IPGKDRI). 

       Creating the pilot test was a part of it, next will be the creating the actual original questionnaire using Google Document, the one which results will be used to produce a mini report. The steps were as follow.

1.    Use Gmail account.
2.    Open Google Document.
3.    Create New and click Form
4. Add demography and item/question in variety format such as multiple choice, checkboxes and scale.
5.    Test it among fellow course mates.
6.  Download the completed questionnaire in Excel format which will be imported in SPSS
7.    Send to course mates from IPGKS and IPGKDRI.

   In hand to that, creating those questions was quite challenging as well as made us to think critical on various sub-topics to be questioned. After a few days, we proceeded to SPSS in order to analyse our data's. 

    Since our survey consists types of questions such as Checkboxes, Multiple choices and Scale, so we need to analyse them by using a computer aided quantitative data analysis such as SPSS. It cant be done manually as we need to analyse it numerically. Later on, based on the date received, we were told to make a report on our mini research in a journal article format complete with references. This mini report comes with quite number of sub-topics such as introduction, abstract, literature review, research approach, recommendation and others.
   Last but not least, this assignment has make me really learn a lot on mostly ICT skills required as a teacher to be. Its totally a brand new learning process for me as I never heard before stuffs like surveymonkey, SPSS, pilot test and Google Document. But now, i can proudly say that I am now a savvy in handling those stuffs. As a teacher to be, I think all teachers should be a technology savvy as it helps us in making out teaching & learning process fun. As a conclusion, I believe this subject,basically this assignment had helped me a lot in being a technology explorer and maximise the use of modern tools. 

Thank You @ IK
GOD is GREAT! ~ 

Assignment 4 (LIteraTUre ReviEW ONlinE MATEriaL)

Weeks pass through and assignments requires us to be up-to-date. In this matter and situation, time management is the most important element to counter for. Life's getting busier and work loads getting heavier. Back to our task this week, we have to write a journal based on the topic that we have chosen in our first assignment ( think pair and share). So, my partner Josman Ghani and  I have chosen the topic-Mobile Learning and our journal entitled " Mobile leaning Revolutionizing Education"

Mobile Learning Revolutionizing Education!

            Over the past years, there have been broad discussions about how to define, precisely, what mobile learning is. Based on our research, the best definition comes from the eLearning Guild who defined it as:

    “Any activity that allows individuals to be more productive when consuming, interacting with, or creating information, mediated through a compact digital portable device that the individual carries on a regular basis, has reliable connectivity, and fits in a pocket or purse.”

            On the shell, mobile learning platform has its advantages. A vast percentage of the population is familiar with the technology required to access mobile learning. Furthermore, students can engage with mobile learning at any time and from any location, thereby overcoming geographic barriers. In this regard, mobile learning is both an accessible and economical option to help educate the students. 

            As a concept, mobile learning has been around for several years; some companies began delivering information in text format to employees on mobile devices nearly a decade ago. Today, the confluence of device technology, operating systems, content platforms, GPS and Web access - among other factors - has reengaged the minds of the learning community. Morning subway travels can become mini-classrooms; waiting for appointments can be turned into instant tutoring sessions. This is what mobile learning mainly about according to David Wentworth, 2011.     

           Truth be told, many users would probably admit that they don't use their smartphones for much more than texting, Web surfing, checking e-mail and the occasional actual phone call. More sophisticated users, however, know it is now possible to deliver media rich, interactive learning content to almost any smartphone. This represents an entirely new delivery channel for corporate learning professionals.

            Next, we shall see an example of technology being used greatly mainly in sense of mobile learning as our topic goes. This example was taken from Joseph Rene Corbeil and Maria Elena Valdes-Corbeil. The character will be a college student, named Jason.   

Jason, a 19-year-old college freshman, woke up early Friday morning to download this week's U.S. History podcast to his iPod. As he got into his car for the one-hour commute to campus, he put on his earbuds and began to listen to his professor's test review session. The lecture ended as he entered the student parking lot.
Before exiting the car, Jason received a text message on his smart phone from Paula, his study partner. She had some questions and wanted to meet up with him in the library before the test. He pulled out his laptop and backpack before locking the car door. By the time he reached the library, Paula was already connected and online at her favorite table. She was busily transferring the professor's lecture notes from the course Web site to her pen drive. "What's the answer to question number three?" she asked as Jason sat down.
"I don't know," he answered; "Why don't you Google it to find out?"
"I've got a better idea," she responded. "Why don't you IM the professor? He's online right now."
Professor Davis was on his way back to his office from Media Services when a familiar chime let him know that someone was IMing him. He pulled out his PDA and read the message. With stylus in hand, he typed the response, "Call me." Ten seconds later, his cell phone rang.
"Hi, Dr. Davis. Jason and I are in the library and we are having a hard time answering question number three."
"Are you in front of your computer?" Dr. Davis asked.
"Yes, we are."
"Go to this week's lecture notes and review the section on Western Expansion. You'll find what you are looking for there."
"Thanks a lot," Paula answered. "We'll see you in class.

            As what we have seen, Jason, as well as most of today’s college-aged students, is a product of advancement in technology. He was raised in this awesome technology kind world and makes use all the mobile devices that he is able to bring into play. This is where the awesomeness of mobile learning comes in. In our opinion, mobile learning will bring a new era of technology in education to our country. 

On the other hand, in the past few years, organizations around the world have brought a new idea to the table for educating those who live in poverty: mobile learning. After all, according to the UN, half of the residents in remote areas around the world will own cell phones by 2012. This statistic seems to imply that, for a country like India—in which almost half of its population falls under the World Bank-defined poverty line of $1.25 a day—mobile learning could serve as a viable supplement to education, particularly in rural areas.

Related to that, students should be able first of all to participate in this active learning and teaching process. Likewise, this technology makes us keener to participate actively in our learning process and if we are teacher, we will be more interested to teach our students using the manipulative technology. Later on, we will be looking in deep of mobile devices used in learning and teaching process.
      As we all know, the idea of mobile learning had existed for several years ago, in which employers had been delivering information to their employees in text format on their mobile devices. Adding to that, the invention of web access, GPS, email, and etc. had created a new dimension in the area of mobile learning. The learning communities had becoming more flexible in dealing with their studies and educational lifestyle. Many efforts had been done in order to implement mobile leaning in educational area.

 Other factors which contributes to mobile learning is the increasing use of wireless, mobile, portable, and handheld devices across every sector of education, and all around the world. One of the most common example is the tutors can add in multimedia files in their lectures and receive instance feedback from their students via through their quizzes and review. As we all know, this is the scenario that our country is having nowadays in conducting learning in a higher educational institute. It is no longer restricted in a classroom environment which involves a face to face interaction between the tutor and the learner.
              Furthermore, mobile learning can also helps in the business management sectors, in which it provides the worker with the important information, specification, and the facts about their products. Imagine that you are in a bus, going for a meeting at your workplace and you need to present a product review to your most important customer. Adding to that, you need to seal the deal in order to save the company. Thus you just need to open up your smartphones, PDA, or any other mobile device that enables you to review and re-evaluate the products specification and hence mobile learning have made it easier for you to get ready for the most important meeting that you are having while you are on the go. 

              One of the most common device that we are having nowadays which incorporates mobile learning is iPad. In some country such as US, this device is changing the classroom education into the digital era where the student is no more relying on a textbook. By using iPad, we are having a more flexible lesson in which the lesson is tightly targeted and structured. This is one of the scenario in which we can see that our world educational system is slowly evolving. 

              One of the features that make iPad convenience to use is the touch screen usability. This device has extended Human Computer Interaction (HCI) that impersonates human gestures or motion. The touch screen of this device had made the users to easily glance through every application, software and various function without any difficulty. Even children can handle this device without having a hard time getting use to it.

             Another feature that makes this device appropriate to be use in class is that it does not support the ability to read information from multiple sources simultaneously on a single screen through windows. This will enables the student to concentrate more on their task and studies without having any interruption from any other application. For example, if the students were asked to do some task at a website, they will not be able to browse to another site without getting notice by their teacher. Thus the teacher will be able to monitor everything that their students do.
             Furthermore, the iPad’s Book Reader is the most convenient feature that makes this device popular and very useful for the students in school or other higher educational institutes. The students no longer have to buy the books in a bookstore because they can easily choose their reference book, journal, educational magazine, etc. via online. Hence this have made it easier for the students to look for their information, resources as they does not have to travel far in order to look for a book. Here we can see how far the educational systems have changed from a decade ago.

              As a conclusion, we can say that our country is slowly adapting to this new system of education because we are still mainly using the old conventional and traditional system from years ago. The technologies that our world is having nowadays have made it possible for everyone of us to incorporate mobile learning in our studies. However, the mentality of our people is causing it hard for us to use mobile learning in our educational system as we still believe that the most effective ways of learning is through face to face interaction in class. But, all in all we should use any possible ways or methods of learning in our daily life so that we can enhance our performance and thus improve the level of our country’s educational system. It is our hope that in few years to come, we can establish a stable state of educational level, so that we can compete with a modern developing countries and thus building a nation that is respected by the world.

Thank You @ IK

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Activity (LearnINg MAnAgement SYSteM)

    First of all, this is the third week and we all are getting into business more serious as we need to catch up n keep on par with the on coming assignments. The agenda for this week requires us to upload documents in Google DOC!. Frankly speaking, this is my first time experiencing google doc. Surprisingly, I managed to upload the file successfully. Me and my partner was eager to know what is it LMS(learning management system) all about. We browsed through a lot of source before coming out with an mini article on it and uploaded it on Google DOC! We found out that this topic will be essential when we will be stepping our legs to school life later on.

Learning Management System

A Learning Management System (LMS) is an excellent vehicle for training, evaluating and tracking results.

A Learning Management System is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking and reporting of training programs, classroom and online events, e-learning programs, and training content. According to Wikipedia, LMS are able to do the following such as centralize and automate administration,  use self-service and self-guided services, assemble and deliver learning content rapidly, consolidate training initiatives on a scalable web-based platform, support portability and standards, and personalise content and enable knowledge reuse. 

According to research, most LMSs are web-based, built using a variety of development platforms, like Java/J2EE, Microsoft .NET or PHP. They usually employ the use of a database like MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle as back-end. Although most of the systems are commercially developed and have commercial software licenses there are several systems that have an open-source license.

The characteristics shared by types of LMS includes manage users, roles, courses, instructors, facilities, and generate reports, course calendar, learning Path, student messaging and notifications, assessment and testing handling before and after testing, display scores and transcripts, grading of coursework and roster processing, including wait listing, and web-based or blended course delivery

   One of the advantages of using LMS in an organization is that the employers can immediately evaluate on their employees’ capabilities. This application can help them to improve on their employees’ performance by allowing them to administer the scheduled assessments on their workers abilities and thus they can figure out many possible ways on developing their potential to the fullest. As the head of an organization, it is very important for an employer to manage their employees very well because they can be considered the treasure of the company. A good employee is much needed to builds a good company. Adding to that, the employers can also review the records of the results, so that they can see the overall view of the success of their company. Employee is an important part of a company and by using this method it can help the employers a lot in managing and supervising their company.

            Advantages of LMS will be its advancement in tracking and reporting for enhanced performance. It allows organizational users to view a required learning path, track progress against the learning path, review records of success and register for additional courses. Management can always access the same records of success and can also analyse the records data to determine area of success and area for needed improvement.   

            Other advantage of using LMS is that it allows the user to change or adjust the description, or the specification of a product and thus, they can also provide or introduce their new products by uploading them via this application. In order for the users to be evaluated, they will be given access to the same training course and be the same evaluation materials. This is to standardize their performance so that they can achieve the same level or ranks. Thus, the employers can also monitor the updates or the performance of their employees via online.

   Last but not least, LMS is also important in providing regulatory and legal compliance inside an organization. By using LMS, the organization can administer the users, so that they can meet the regulatory requirement that had been set by the higher authority. Adding to that, the training standard for business organization can also be viewed by the employers in order for them to identify the areas of non-conformance and take the appropriate action to solve them.

            As a conclusion, LMS is an across-the-board system that streamlines an organizations needs for both its clients and its employee. LMS is a central system to accumulate course material online for access by specified users used mainly by organisations. Organisations can track and analyze learning results overtime, and are able to administer learning evaluations online. LMS also guarantees that organizations are capable of rapid deployment of updates and additions and have access to learning compliance data for regulatory and legal purposes.   
                 ILANGGO A/L KANAN

Thank You @ IK

Assignment 1 ( thiNk,pAir,shaRe)

   This week was a busy week for me to go through it. There was a lot of assignment bothering me from the other subjects as well. Apart from that, i was trying my level best to accommodate myself with ICT skills which will be helpful throughout this semester for Computer in Education.

   According to the assignment specification, we are required to choose a topic and work out on it. Related to it, my partner Josman Ghani and myself decided to work out on Mobile Learning. My partner and me was such an awesome partner as we always help and compliment each other throughout this chore. Mobile Learning was quite a familiar topic for us and so we decided to explore more into it and become the main source for our classmates for this topic. So, what is Mobile Learning??

In this modern century, we can see that our ways of learning had evolved from time to time. One of the most common learning methods that we can see nowadays is mobile learning. Mobile learning is a method of learning which uses small and portable devices such as laptop, netbook, smartphones and etc. Adding to that, with the technology that we are having nowadays, we can learn at anywhere and anytime we want without any boundaries. Mobile learning is the most convenient method in which many of our students of higher education institute is using nowadays.
    Mobile learning started during the 1970’s, when Alan Kay an American computer scientist proposes the idea of using Dynabooks for the purpose of learning and education. He and his colleague created a concept in which the children will learn through the book-sized computers that is portable in which they can carry it to anywhere that they like. This device had never quite created but it had led to the creation of laptops that we are having nowadays. Right now we can see that laptop is becoming a common device that almost every university students have in order for them to do their assignments. Thus, it had revolutionized our educational sector by incorporating mobile learning in our society.

    One definition of mobile learning is ‘any educational provision where the sole or dominant technologies are handheld or palmtop devices’. Mobile learning is becoming a trend nowadays because the learner is not restricted to learn in a classroom. The students prefer to be flexible in which they can manage their own time and balance studying with their social life. Mobile learning had contributed a lot to many learners who wish to have the convenience of learning in their own time and places because some of the learners are working adults and sometimes they are too busy to attend classes which may be located in a far place.

    Learner’s satisfaction is also an important factor to look about when it comes to mobile learning, learning particularly. Learning itself is not easy to measure since there are contradictions associated with teacher’s assigning grades and measuring process can’t be directly observable. For that basis, learners satisfaction on learning often used as an indicator in learning approach. Learners’ level of learning satisfaction would be important to the designer of a particular learning program. Information on the predictors’ satisfaction could be used to inform the designers and learners support systems in Mobile learning systems.

    In the field of information system known as IS, the concept of user satisfaction is often used to represent the degree to which users believe the IS they are using conforms to their requirements (Cyert & March, 1963). Bailey and Pearson (1983) said that satisfaction is a collective of a person’s feelings or attitude towards the factors that affect us. Learner characteristics, motivation and instructional alternatives are more important than media does were their conclusion. Mobile learning is a division of distance learning and also E-learning, thus these variables have to be taken into consideration.

    Mobile learning is becoming more popular through the development of new and unique mobile devices. Blackberrys, iPhones, iPads and other devices have made learning-on-the-go much easier for the average person.

     Today’s mobile devices can handle a bulk of tasks that teachers require and students expect from personal computers (PCs). However, there are many distinct disadvantages that are unique to mobile devices.

      Benefits of mobile devices include that they are portable. They are small and lighter in weight and can be easily carried by anyone to everywhere, anywhere. Comparably, mobile devices are less expensive than PCs. Thirdly, mobile devices require less power to run than PCs.

    Besides that, most mobile devices come with Bluetooth or wi-fi as part of their standard configuration. Moreover, mobile phones os personal. No other technology creates such a unique, 1-to-1 feeling with the use than a mobile device. As a result, many teachers have seen greater student engagement with mobile devices for learning. Mobile devices are so delightful that you can touch the screen, manipulate objects, pinch and zoom. You can hold a device in all different directions and even shake it. You can use it on a desk; play with it on the floor, in bed, on the couch or in the car. Lastly, apps can handle special needs in a variety of manners: language, audio, video, colours which are so essential for the users.   

    On the other hand, just because it is easier does not mean it is necessarily better. There are disadvantages to mobile learning that you should be aware of before joining. Firstly, to participate in mobile learning you must have a mobile device. Also, technology changes and advances very quickly. To take advantage of all that technology has to offer, you need to upgrade your mobile device frequently. Additionally, there are typically monthly data charges with your mobile provider so if you need to download large files that take a long time, your monthly charges could be quite high. Secondly, The size of the device is a disadvantage for two reasons.

     First, because they are small these devices are easily lost or stolen. Second, the screen size is quite small and can result in eye-strain for people using them for long periods of time. Also, the amount of information that can be displayed on the screen at one time is quite small. Besides that, The battery life for mobile devices ranges from about two to four hours of use. Once the battery runs out, you must plug it in to recharge and you are no longer mobile. Lastly, The buttons on the keypad or stylus pens are small and can be tricky for some people to manipulate. There are attachable keyboards available for some devices but these are also small, can be difficult to use and cost money.

            As a conclusion, mobile learning had been becoming a popular way of learning in this era. Mobile learning is a new approach in delivering the additional learning supports to the school and also for the leaner itself.

Thank You @ IK